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Tamas- an unforgettable saga of partition
Tamas (Tamas = Darkness)
is a novel written by Bhisham Sahni recounting the true events of the riots of
partition in 1947. All the events in the book have occurred during the 1947
riots in Pakistan, to which the author was himself a witness. Sahni uses a fictional
thread to develop a story so that he could relive the riots. Tamas begins with
a Muslim hotshot giving Nathu (principal character) to kill a pig under the
pretext of giving it to a researcher. Nathu, a poor man, accepts it and kills
it. Under the morning dawn, someone takes the pig as instructed by Nathu. A
little while later the pig carcass is found on a mosque’s steps. The town which
is already in tension erupts at once. Enraged Muslims retaliate by killing a
cow. All hell breaks loose and scores of Hindus and Sikhs are massacred by
Muslims. Hindus and Sikhs in turn massacre scores of Muslims. Tamas relives the
four days of violence through the eyes of different characters in the book and
the horrifying experiences people.
Tamas tells the story of
several families and characters. Bhisham Sahni didn’t even change the real
names of many characters in the book to maintain realism. Tamas tells the story
of a good Hindu, a good Muslim, a good Sikh, a bad Sikh, a bad Muslim, a bad
Hindu, and worse than all British. There are some incredibly chilling sequences
in the book and to imagine them happening in reality simply sent a chill down
my spine. The part where a young kid kills an old man is as chilling as the
sequence where many Sikh women throw themselves into a well to save themselves
from Rioters. The sequences after the riots are equally chilling where many
characters relate their stories to the relief camp managers. The well where the
women threw themselves still remains in Pakistan.
Tamas also explores the
horrible politics of those times. At one end there was a freedom struggle, yet
at another was the ongoing process to get tickets to elections, get money, and
literally think about killing others for the sake of advantage. Tamas harshly
reminds us that politicians are the first step toward the insanity of
humankind. Be it a Muslim, Hindu, or Sikh, every politician is a bastard, and
without telling it, Bhisham Sahni proves it. The events after the riots show
how the British achieved their divide and rule policy successfully. More than
100 villages drowned in riots for the British to feel contented. The events
after that simply belie humanism – The attempts made by a bunch of well-doers
and idiots to behave as if nothing ever happened stunned me. The attitude of
people who couldn’t care less about the killings is beautifully put across.
The downside of this
marvelous book is that since this is a true account of the incidents, most of
the books lack cohesion. The incidents follow one after another thereby making
the novel almost an episode-by-episode drama. Somewhere down the line, a
fictional fragment too takes a back seat only to return in the end. But that
doesn’t take away any intensity of the book. The events slowly build up and
Bhisham Sahni uses his language well to convey the setting of the events.
Rarely have I read books where I have been transported completely into an era
and feel like a character himself watching the events – all kudos to Sahni for
managing to do that. The book moves to a chilling final chapter, after which I
was left numb. Simply put.
If there is one book one
should read on the events of riots of the India-Pakistan partition, then it has
to be this.
Richard shrugged his
shoulders. He then lighted his pipe and, stretching his legs under the table
said, ‘Where from should I begin?’
‘Begin what, Richard?’
said Liza raising her eyebrows.
‘You wanted to know about
the developments that had taken place here, didn’t you?’
This time it was Liza who
shrugged shoulders, as though to say -‘You may or may not, Richard. It makes
little difference.’
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