Here we can say that Novels as a literary genre emerged in the Eighteenth Century. The industrial revolution can be said, paved
the way for the rise of the middle class and it also created a demand for
people’s desire for reading subjects related to their everyday experiences. The
novel, therefore, industrialized as a piece of prose fiction that presented
characters in real-life events and situations. Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe
and Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones are some of the early English novels. The novel is
realistic prose fiction in such a way that it can demonstrate its relative to
real life. The eighteenth-century great novels are semi anti-romance, or it was
the first time that the novel emerged and spread widely and largely among its
readers; the reading public. Moreover, with
the increase in literacy, the demand for reading material increased
rapidly, among well-to-do women, who were novel readers of the time. Thus, the theatre was not such a feasible form of entertainment but the novel was due to its
large audience and its spread all over the land in country-houses. In other
words, the middle was such an important factor after the growth of the novel as a
new form of art. The social and intellectual currents of the age were linked
to creating something new and different. Those who carried out the action
became customized; they were understood and all their difficulty and the
social pressure on them were minutely detailed. When people wanted to hear
stories of those who are not too different from themselves, in a public
recognizably akin to their own, then the novel was born. There are also other
reasons and factors that partial the rise of the English novel. The invention
of the traveling library was one of those and via trade; it was developed more than
before. The social milieu and social condition of the life of the middle-class
were very much expensive with the rise of the English novel. These people in the
eighteenth century were acquiring their education, what they were acquiring was
less exclusively classical in context than the education of the upper class.
Women readers were considered a crucial factor in providing readership. Better education for women overlapped with a period of greater leisure
for women in the middle and upper ranks. The greater leisure for women left a time-space, which needed to be filled in. Men were also educated and had an intention to see beyond
the narrow local interests and profession to an inspired motivation. Both men
and women were receptive to literary forms, which would open up to the recent
and real worlds outside their own world. The reproduction of newspapers in the
eighteenth century is evidence of the rise of the novel and so is the
popularity of the periodicals. The seed of Richardson’s Pamela was a plan to
write a series of letters, which provided examples of the correct way of
continuing in various delicate social situations. The novelists also believe
that their task is not only to inform but also to indicate morality.
Middle-class people considered helpfulness significant; this would comprise
moral usefulness. The readers were introduced by the novelists to new social
worlds, providing the moral framework within which that behavior. The novel was
dealing with the instant details as no earlier fiction has been, as a result,
it becomes long. As a result, in the eighteenth century, many reasonable
changes took place in strange plots and ideas of heroic tragedy. Defoe
described ‘The Great Plague of London’ in the journal of the plague year
(1722), then his Robinson Crusoe (1719), a better and more famous book. The
story of the book relied on real-life events. It is about the story of
Alexander Selkirk, a Scottish sailor who quarreled with his captain, was, in
fact, put in to the island of Juan Fernandez near Chile, and he lived there
alone for four years. Richard Steel and Joseph Addison worked together to produce
The Tatler, a collection of essays without too much ornament, which helped in
the production of the novel. Dr. Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary was written in
(1755). Some of the best English letters were written during this century.
Swift and Defoe wrote stories of the venture. A good prose style was made ready to
use in ‘Spectator’ by both Dryden and Chesterfield. And Samuel Richardson wrote
Pamela (1740); a real novel, which was written in the form of letters. When
these letters appeared women were excited to read them and listen to the
readers of those letters. Richardson also wrote Clarissa and also Fielding’s
great novel appeared in the name of Tom Jones (1749). The fourth novelist of
this time was Laurence Sterne. His amazing books are as confusing as life.
Another important novel of the time is The Vicar of Wakefield (1761-2), by
Oliver Goldsmith. Below are several factors that contributed to the rise
of the English novel: The rise of the literacy, the novel is essentially a
written form, unlike poetry, which exists for centuries prior to the
development of writing, and still trappings in oral cultures today. There have
been cases of illiterate people gathering to hear novel read- part of Dickens's
audience was of this sort and daring the Victorian period the habit of reading
aloud was much more spread than it is today, but the novel was typical, written
by one individual in private and read silently by another. Printing was another
crucial factor that paid to the rise of the English novel. The modern novel was
the child of the printing press, which alone can produce the vast numbers of
copies needed to satisfy literate publications uprise that they can afford. A
market economy was the third factor. The sociology of the novel is based very
much upon a market relationship between author and reader, mediated through
publications, in contrast to earlier methods of backing publication or
supporting authors such as Patronage, or subscription. A market economy
increases the relative freedom and isolation of the writer and decreases his
immediate dependence upon particular individuals, groups, or interests. The Rise
of Individualism was also very significant in the emergence of the English
novel. Ian Watt sees a typical novel in that it includes the individualization
of characters and a detailed presentation of the environment. The novel is
more related to the town rather than to the village, and at some points, they
are alike, for example, both involve huge numbers of people leading interdependent
lives, manipulating and relying upon one another. Watt (1957 ), in his book,
Rise of the Novel states that Defoe's "fiction" is the first, which
presents us with a picture of both-individual life in its larger perspective as
a historical process, and in its closer view, which shows the process being
acted out against the background of the most ephemeral thoughts and action.
Furthermore, Sanders (1999: 303) says that the due made the successive
generations of literary historians and critics whom Defoe is the first true
master of the English novel who has a partial validity. His prose fiction,
provided in his late middle age, sprang from an experimental connection with
other literary forms; most notably the travel- book. His novels included
elements of all of these forms. Nor was he the only begetter of a form which it
is now recognized had a long succession of both male and female ancestors. He
may in Robinson Crusoe, have perfected a hollow of realism by adapting the
Puritan self— confession narrates to suit the mode of a fictional moral tract,
but he would in no sense have seen fiction as superior to, or distinct from, his essays in informative
biography. Moreover, Richetti (2005: 174) claims that no one can say what led
Defoe at 59 to write a long narrative pretending to be the memoirs of a
shipwrecked English planter from Brazil on a deserted island off the coast of
South America. After Harley's fall from power in 1714, Defoe's epistolary
record goes nearly blank, and we have little to go on for those five years until
Robinson Crusoe appears in 1719. We do know that Defoe was not idle; he was
never that, and indeed writing was his main livelihood. Having been recruited
by the Whig Ministry to act as a subversive mole within the Tory opposition
press, he wrote extensively for what Novak identifies as ‘the most forceful
anti-government newspaper’, the Weekly Journal, or Mist’s Weekly Journal, so-called after its editor, Nathaniel Mist.
Also among the various booklets and tracts, he published separately from
his periodical journalism in those years, he found time to write the
substantial and very popular conduct book in dramatic. But in 1719 Defoe had
never done anything quite like Robinson Crusoe, no fiction so elaborate, no
narrative so devoted to evoking the life of a private person with no topical or
political importance, and no extended prose narrative so seemingly separate
from political polemic and religious controversy, although there are clearly
religious themes as well as political implications in Crusoe's narrative.
Richetti also states that the latter, especially, dragging out for modern
readers and are never clearly polemical. There is, in retrospect, however, an inevitability in Defoe's turning to extended narrative fiction in the third
decade of the eighteenth century. As we have seen, he had a native talent and a deep attraction for narrative. The Review and much of his other political
journalism are often enough full of narrative and vivid dramatic impersonation.
There are a number of shorter works. Moreover, from the second decade of the
eighteenth century, they represented finger exercises in training for what can
now be seen as his later career as a writer of imaginative fiction. These are
political tracts that have a basic narrative form of an insignificant but
occasionally interesting sort.
Daniel Defoe and the Significance of Robinson Crusoe
Skilton (1977) states
that Robinson Crusoe is certainly the first novel in the sense that it is the
first fictional narrative in which the ordinary person's actions are the Centre
of continuous literary attention. Before that, in the early eighteenth century,
authors like Pope, Swift, Addison, and Steele observed back to the Rome of
Caesar Augustus (27 BC— 14 AD) as a golden age. That period is called the
Augustan age. Literature was very different since it focused on folklore and
epic heroes. However, to what extent can Robinson Crusoe be called the
"first novel" and how is it different from all that has been done so
far? Besides, what are the evolutions in the novel genre important to Victorian
novels, like Pride and Prejudice published almost one hundred years later
(1813) in terms of style, themes, and concerns? Augustan writers, before Daniel
Defoe, were very protective of the status quo and their novels were philosophical
and religious, based upon a myth of the eternal fitness of things. By contrast,
Defoe stood for revolutionary change, economic individualism, social mobility,
trade, and freedom of consciousness. For Swift, Defoe was ‘the fellow who was
pilloried; I have forgotten his name. He represented at once a social literary
and intellectual challenge to the Augustan world, and the Augustans reacted to
him hence. In Robinson Crusoe, Defoe deals with major points of Western
civilization like trade, mercantile capitalism since at that time, a great
attempt was made to dominate other continents, spread culture, beliefs, like,
for example, when Robinson tries to convert Friday into Christianity, as he
considers him a savage. In the eighteenth century, Britain economically
depended on the slave trade, which was abolished in the early 1800s. Therefore,
Daniel Defoe was familiar with this practice, even though he did not actively
criticize it. There is consequently, no surprise that Robinson treats Friday
as his slave. However, Crusoe was able to recognize Friday's humankind, though
he does not see his slavery as an illogicality. Robinson Crusoe was written
within a context of European colonialism well established around the globe.
Next, material wealth is a sign of prestige and power in Robinson's mind. For
instance, he often lists his belongings, like the amount of land plowed. His
provisions and he stores the coins found on various wrecks. On top of that, he calls
his ‘base’, his ‘castle’, and eventually considers himself a ‘King’. Therefore,
material power is an important element as well as religion and faith in the
novel. Robinson rejects his father's advice and religious teachings at the
beginning of the novel, in order to travel and have some adventure and wealth. Although his shipwreck can be considered a moral punishment and his disobedience a
sin, the protagonist did accumulate wealth and did survive at the end of the
novel. Thus, the fact that he was punished can be argued and discussed.
Robinson's opinion about religion is very clear. He is a semi-puritan figure
and tries to spread his convictions on the island to convert to Christianity.
Friday, who is very rational? The hero simply refuses Friday's own beliefs,
thinking that his religion is the best one. This thought may be due to the fact
that British people believed that they had a right and a duty to convey their
knowledge and culture, and Skilton continues and says that Robinson Crusoe was
written in the first-person singular. As a consequence, we constantly have
Robinson's point of view and opinion about the events happening. We have to
wonder whether the protagonist, through which the story is defined, may be consistent
or not, and if we can trust him. If we had Friday's point of view instead, it
is clear that we would have a completely different opinion about Robinson. Probyn
states that Charles Gildon, in his book, Defoe's First Substantive Critic,
interpreted Robinson Crusoe as an allegory of Defoe's own life, but Ian
Watt endorses the economic theorists' view of the novel as demonstrating
homo-economicus and the rise of economic uniqueness. Not everyone insisted on
seeing this novel as a metaphor: Leslie Stephan's essay of 1868 reported that
Crusoe was a ' book for boys rather than men', short of any high intellectual
interest ... One of the most charming of books'. It is essentially, of course,
a superb adventure story charged with the primary appeal of all narrative
fiction: suspense, individual, resourcefulness, threatening disasters, and
eventual triumph. Even Dr. Johnson wished it had been longer, Robinson, like
Gulliver after him.
To sum up, there were efforts
to write a novel but that hard work was not as successful perhaps due to
the basics of the work and the style of the work but Defoe and other novelists
with the help of the reading public, the rise of the middle-class, production as
well as roving made the rise of the novel successful. No doubt, the rise of the
novel has developed because of the existence of romance and picaresque
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